- In the school, the fee is payable on a quarterly basis by cheque to be deposited in the month of April 2019 on all working days between April 5 to 10 April 2019 from 9.00 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the school office. The details of the cheque will be as under.
- Cheque dated 5 April 2019 for 1st instalment.
- Cheque dated 5 August 2019 for the 2nd instalment.
- Cheque dated December 2019 for the 3rd instalment.
- Cheque should be a/c payee only in favour of Jaipuria Vidyalaya.
- Student’s name, roll no, class & section should be mentioned clearly at the back of the cheque.
- Only CTS Cheques are acceptable.
- If a cheque is dishonoured, a penalty of rs.250/- along with bank clearing charges and late payment fine will have to be borne by the parents.
- In case of students leaving the school in mid-session .the fee booklet is to be submitted along with the application for T.C.
- The fee paid will not be refundable.
- If the original fee booklet is lost, the duplicate can be produced on payment of Rs. 25/-.