
Admission Policy

Admission is open to all irrespective of caste, creed, color or religion.



  • Registration forms will be available in school office.

  • The candidates are required to take written test on the dates given by the school. Names of the qualified students will be displayed on the school notice board as well as on website.

Document required for the admission are:

  • Self Attested Photocopy of birth certificate

  • Original transfer certificate

  • Mark sheet & progress report

  • Health Status Card With Medical Reports



  • Notice for withdrawing a pupil from the school should be given in writing by the parents /guardians. Under whose signature admission was granted .the written application should reach the principal office at least 5 days in advance for transfer certificate.

  • If a student to be withdrawn from the school at the end of the academic session. Intimation to this effect should be given in written within seven days from the declaration of the results of annual examination. Such students should not attend any class in the next session. in case no intimation is received attends any class in the next session, he /she will have to pay full fees of the first installment.

  • If a pupil is withdrawn from the school during the course of an academic year. the installment of the fee paid for the specific period during which the withdrawal application is made, will not be refunded

  • The school may ask a parent/guardian to withdraw his/her ward (i) for submitting false information to the school, during admission (ii) on disciplinary grounds. The decisions of the school in such matters shall be final. No claim of refund will be entertained in such cases.

Refund of caution money

Refund of caution money shall be refunded by cheque only, on the claim in writing by the person under whose signature admission was sought. If any dues are payable of the school, they shall be adjusted from the caution money .claim for a refund of caution money must be made within 3 months of a pupil leaving the school